
Clear filters Clear filters

LAVOR Na Pankráci

Na Pankráci 553/55, Praha 4
Mon - Sun   6 - 21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Horní Počernice

Náchodská 641/122, Praha - Horní Počernice
Mon - Sun   6 - 21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Kolbenova

Hindlova 1040/7 - AFI Home Kolbenova (za AFI City budovou), Praha 9
Mon - Sun   6 - 21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Holešovice

Jankovcova 1632/67, Praha 7
Mon - Sun   7 - 22
The last wash is possible at 10pm.

LAVOR Barrandov

Trnkovo náměstí 1, Praha 5
Mon - Sun   7 -21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Vysočany

Kabešova 943/4, Praha 9
Mon - Sun   7 -21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Hostivař

Švehlova 32, Praha 10
Mon - Sun   7 -22
The last wash is possible at 10pm.

LAVOR Patočkova

Patočkova 1471/77, Praha 6
Mon - Sun   7 -21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Žižkov

Hartigova 1607/93, Praha 3
Mon - Sun   7 - 21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Stodůlky

Náměstí Junkových 2870/3, Praha 5
Mon - Sun   7 - 22
The last wash is possible at 10pm.

LAVOR Vršovice

Vršovická 77, Praha 10
Mon - Sun   7 -21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Smíchov

Plzeňská 2562/166, Praha 5
Mon - Sun   7 -21
The last was is possible at 9pm.

LAVOR Střížkov

Makedonská 4, Praha 9
Mon - Sun   7 - 22
The last wash is possible at 10pm.

LAVOR Modřany

Čs. exilu 2288/40, Praha 4
Mon - Sun   7 - 22
The last wash is possible at 10pm.

LAVOR Vinohrady

Vinohradská 114/1756, Praha 3
Mon - Sun   6 -21
The last wash is possible at 9pm.

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